The Peak District
In the heart of England, this dramatic landscape with high gritstone edges looking over deep valleys, can be wild and and rugged, but always beautiful.
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Highlight – Carl Wark, Peak District
Carl Wark is a mound between Higger Tor and Surprise View, near Hathersage, and was once an Iron Age Settlement. Consisiting of Gritstone, most of the Peak District is 350 million year old rock. I was once running a workshop with a chap who is also geologist who informed me Higger Tor is Delta, meaning river basin. It was all once under water.
Late August the heather was in full bloom and just at the end of the best colour. A rock that always seems to have water in it was used fr foreground interest, with the pathway leading the eye to Higger Tor in the background. It was going to be a study of colour and I think they balanced beautifully.
Highlight – Carl Wark, Peak District
Carl Wark is a mound between Higger Tor and Surprise View, near Hathersage, and was once an Iron Age Settlement.
Consisting of gritstone, most of the Peak District is 350 million year old rock. I was once running a workshop with a chap who is also geologist who informed me Higger Tor is Delta, meaning river basin. It was all once under water.
Late August the heather was in full bloom and just at the end of the best colour. A rock that always seems to have water in it was used fr foreground interest, with the pathway leading the eye to Higger Tor in the background. It was going to be a study of colour and I think they balanced beautifully.